Top 10 WhatsApp Marketing Strategies that Work to Engage and Convert

Top 10 WhatsApp Marketing Strategies that work to Engage and Convert

WhatsApp, with its massive user base and the highest audience engagement rate, has emerged as a powerful platform for businesses to connect with their audience. Enterprises and businesses leveraging WhatsApp for marketing not only build strong customer relationships but also boost their conversion rates.

In this article, we will explore the top 10 WhatsApp marketing strategies that effectively engage and convert your audience.

By the end, you’ll understand how to do WhatsApp advertising and what key features make it stand out among other marketing channels.

1. Build a Contact Base and Send Broadcast Messages

Before starting any marketing on WhatsApp, every business needs a strong customer contact base. Without contacts, marketing is impossible. Initially, encourage your customers to opt-in for WhatsApp updates through your other channels like your website, social media, in-store promotions, and more.

Once you have a substantial contact base, you can start using WhatsApp marketing as a powerful tool. Begin with broadcasting WhatsApp messages, which have the highest open rates. It allows you to send the same message to thousands of customers with a single click. This helps businesses send uniform promotional templates to every customer and keep their user base updated. For instance, when businesses need to send alerts or time-sensitive deals, they can broadcast their message instantly to update customers.

How Broadcasting Messages Differ from Group Messages:

Broadcasting messages are different from group messages. In group messages, clients need to create multiple groups and send the same message, which presents challenges since everyone sees each other’s contact information, making it difficult to manage. In broadcasting, businesses create a list to send the same message to multiple contacts separately with a single click, maintaining customer privacy.

2. Start Customer Support on WhatsApp

Business growth depends heavily on customer support services. Customers often look for post-sale service, and businesses providing service over WhatsApp significantly enhance customer satisfaction.

WhatsApp’s instant messaging features help address customer queries in real time and provide instant solutions. It’s easy to share helpful links, documents, media, and even live demo sessions on WhatsApp, saving time and resources. Customer support on WhatsApp boosts customer trust.

3. Send Limited-Time Offer/Deal Notifications via Automation

Creating a sense of urgency is a best marketing tactic, and WhatsApp is an excellent platform for promoting limited-time offers and deals. Send timely notifications about flash sales, exclusive discounts, and special promotions to your customers. The immediacy of WhatsApp messages ensures that your audience sees these offers promptly, increasing the chances of quick conversions.

One of the best tactics for increasing sales is sending limited-time deals and offers. Sometimes, it’s crucial to create and send message templates quickly. With WhatsApp via BSP providers, you can easily automate messages for any situation. WhatsApp also features scheduled message templates for particular times and events.

Businesses take advantage of these features to send offers and deals seasonally or event-wise, updating customers just before the event. This urgency prompts customers to act before the offer expires, significantly boosting sales.

4. Re-targeting Campaigns

Many businesses still use simple campaign methods, which can not be sufficient for users with repetitive messages. Re-targeting on WhatsApp Business can achieve 5x conversion rates. Re-marketing involves sending messages based on customers’ previously shown interests. By sending interest-based templates according to past interactions, businesses can encourage customers to purchase their desired products.

Re-targeting on WhatsApp allows for a more direct and personal approach compared to other methods. Here’s how it works for businesses:

Suppose a business runs a broadcast campaign. Some users show interest by opening the message, while others do not. You can then set up re-targeting campaigns for those who read your message, creating urgency and increasing their conversion rates.

5. Build Chatbots

One of the best techniques to increase marketing conversion rates is by implementing chatbots. Using chatbots on WhatsApp can help automate common questions, instantly resolve customer queries, and guide them on how to use products. Chatbots can easily handle multiple tasks, from answering FAQs to assisting with order completion.

Chatbots help build a trusted customer base and can boost conversion rates by up to 5X. They are easy to set up according to customer experience. Many businesses now offer a complete shopping experience via chatbots, allowing customers to easily purchase items on WhatsApp, from selecting orders to completing payments.

6. Catalogue Messages

As online shopping continues to grow, every business focuses on showcasing its products everywhere. The WhatsApp Business API allows businesses to create product catalogs and share them with customers. This feature helps enterprises of all sizes, including e-commerce sites, reach customers on their preferred platforms.

Using catalogs, customers can easily search for and view desired products on WhatsApp. They can select and purchase orders without leaving the app. Businesses benefit from catalogues by offering discounts and making shopping easier, with many seeing up to a 3X increase in sales.

7. Carousel Messaging

Generally, businesses use multimedia marketing techniques like images, videos, and GIFs to gain user attention and improve engagement rates. WhatsApp offers an advanced version of multimedia marketing with carousel messaging.

Carousel messaging helps businesses send multiple images and videos in a single message, allowing customers to swipe through a series of visuals. This format helps businesses showcase a range of products, highlight features, or tell a story.

This feature helps capture user attention and provides a rich, engaging experience compared to standard multimedia messages. Businesses can boost sales by up to 2X by offering related offers in a carousel format.

8. Set Up Payment Within WhatsApp

To improve customer experience, businesses need solutions that enhance the shopping process on WhatsApp. After boosting sales with the above marketing techniques, businesses must improve the payment experience. The WhatsApp Business API offers its own payment gateway, keeping customers within the app. This transaction process leads to higher conversion rates, as customers can complete their purchases quickly and easily.

This marketing technique is highly effective and helps engage more customers. When customers can complete all steps, including payment, within the same app, they prefer using it for purchases. Other marketing channels do not offer in-app payment options.

9. CTA Button Support

When using any marketing technique, it’s essential for customers to know where the journey ends if they are interested in your offer or product. WhatsApp offers a crucial solution with Call-to-Action (CTA) button support. The WhatsApp Business API supports various CTA buttons, such as “Buy Now,” “Shop Now,” and “Learn More.”

CTA buttons help customers directly interact with products or take action on items they are interested in. The WhatsApp Business API also supports tracking how many users click these buttons, providing valuable insights in reports. With CTA buttons, businesses can easily improve engagement rates and sales conversions.

10. Loyalty Programs for Customers

After implementing all the techniques and using WhatsApp for advertising, businesses can boost their performance by up to 5X. However, an essential strategy is the loyalty program. Rewarding loyal customers fosters long-term relationships and encourages repeat purchases. Implementing a loyalty program on WhatsApp helps maintain customer data separately.

On WhatsApp, customers can earn points, receive exclusive offers, and stay updated on their rewards. Personalized greeting messages about their loyalty status and special benefits make them feel valued, increasing their loyalty and engagement.


Using these top 10 WhatsApp marketing strategies, you can effectively grow your business to the next level with improved engagement. The WhatsApp Business API is the future of marketing and its unique features build customer trust in your brand. It’s a great opportunity to elevate your business by starting your marketing on WhatsApp. With WhatsApp, you can do everything from running ads to selling products and even processing payments, making it an easy way to manage and build trust by engaging with customers on their preferred channel.

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