WhatsApp Ecommerce Store: What It Is and How to Use It for Your Business?

In recent times, Businesses have wanted to change the way they connect with customers and improve sales. However, E-commerce and retail businesses are constantly looking for more better ways to sell their products. For them, WhatsApp has introduced several features to help businesses set up and sell their products directly through the platform, Like WhatsApp Business API. Businesses can easily create product catalogs and integrate WhatsApp payments.

Many companies are already increasing their sales using WhatsApp’s e-commerce features. It’s simple to showcase products on WhatsApp. In this article, we will see what are WhatsApp’s e-commerce features, how it helps to drive growth, and the basic requirements to set up your WhatsApp E-commerce store.

What is WhatsApp Ecommerce Store?

WhatsApp Ecommerce is a feature offered by Meta for retail businesses and Ecommerce companies to sell their products directly on WhatsApp. This enables customers to make purchases conveniently on a platform they are already familiar with and use frequently. With WhatsApp Ecommerce, businesses can easily create catalogs, set up greeting messages, and integrate payment gateways through the WhatsApp Business API. 

WhatsApp boasts the highest active user base worldwide. With the increasing preference for online shopping and the rapid growth of the Ecommerce sector, serving customers on their preferred platform becomes essential. By introducing WhatsApp Ecommerce, WhatsApp has become a more valuable tool for retail businesses to connect with their audience and facilitate seamless transactions on a platform their customers already trust.

WhatsApp offers a significant advantage with its global reach, as opposed to other platforms that may only be available in select countries. This allows businesses from any part of the world to create their store on WhatsApp and showcase their products through catalogs. 

What’s the Use of WhatsApp Ecommerce?

Before starting, it’s always important to understand the purpose and use of any product. Without this understanding, using any product won’t provide its full benefits. Let’s explore the uses of WhatsApp Ecommerce:

Product Showcase: For any Ecommerce business, showcasing products effectively is crucial. WhatsApp offers a catalog feature that allows businesses to display their products and services in an organized manner. This makes it easy for customers to browse through the offerings and view all the necessary details according to their needs.

Direct Customer Support: One of the biggest advantages WhatsApp offers is instant customer support during the shopping process. If a customer faces any issue, they can connect with customer support without leaving the app, ensuring a seamless shopping experience. This direct communication helps resolve issues quickly and enhances customer satisfaction.

Easy Selling: Selling on WhatsApp is simple. Everything needed for transactions is provided within the app, making the process very user-friendly. Without needing to leave the app, customers can easily purchase products or services with just a few clicks, streamlining the buying journey.

Support for Marketing Campaigns: Many businesses sell on multiple platforms and run marketing campaigns on other channels without seeing strong conversions. WhatsApp Marketing campaigns, however, can offer up to 5x higher conversion rates. Customers can easily make purchases directly through these marketing campaigns, increasing the overall success of the business’s marketing efforts.

Benefits of WhatsApp Business

Interacting with customers via messaging platforms offers advantages over other channels. Customers can now directly engage with businesses, building trust in the brand. WhatsApp, with over 2 billion active users and more than 175 million daily messages sent, has become the first choice for enterprises to connect with customers through messaging, rich media content, and personalized experiences.

Here are some reasons why e-commerce brands benefit from using the WhatsApp Business API:

Cost-effective: Starting an Ecommerce business on WhatsApp can save businesses a huge amount of money. Unlike other platforms that charge fees or require maintenance costs, WhatsApp Ecommerce offers a low-cost alternative with zero fees. WhatsApp provides all the features needed to showcase products and sell them easily to customers. That means businesses don’t have to spend large amounts on developers to build and maintain a website.

Capturing and Nurturing Leads: With the WhatsApp Business platform, businesses can create continuous chat conversations with customers, making it easier for the marketing team to convert those leads. Many new customers prefer communicating with brands via WhatsApp, and when customers opt-in to receive marketing messages, it creates a direct line for brands to send engaging offers. Additionally, businesses can send abandoned cart reminders, order confirmations, and personalized deals, improving the chances of converting these leads into loyal customers.

Nurture Customers with Post-purchase Notifications: Post-purchase notifications are essential for building long-term customer relationships. Sending timely notifications, Like- order confirmations, payment receipts, and shipping updates, making sure customers that their orders are being processed correctly. These notifications help to build trust and improve the brand’s value by ensuring that customers stay informed throughout their purchase journey.

Provide Excellent Customer Support: WhatsApp enables companies to deliver top-notch customer service with 24/7 support through automated messages and chatbots. This allows businesses to respond to customer queries instantly, without limiting support to regular business hours. WhatsApp also enables global customer service without time or language barriers. For complex issues that can’t be solved by chatbots, customers can easily be routed to human agents with a greeting message. These features make a strong relationship between the customer and the company, as they ensure timely and effective service.

How to start a WhatsApp e-commerce store?

To set up a WhatsApp Ecommerce store, you first need to get an account on the WhatsApp Business API. Let’s go through the steps to create a WABA account:

1. Set Up a Business Page: Begin by creating a Facebook business page using all the necessary documentation. After that, apply for verification to get a verified Facebook business manager account on Facebook.

2. Create a WABA Account: The next step is to Start with WhatsApp Business API (WABA) account. To do this, you need to sign up on an official Meta BSP (Business Solution Provider) platform, such as Authkey.

3. Connect the Platforms: Once you have accounts on both platforms, you’re ready to connect them. Login to your Authkey account and link it to your Facebook Business Manager to start sending WhatsApp messages easily.

How to Create Your First Store on WhatsApp

1. Setup: To set up your first store, go to Facebook’s Meta Suite, navigate to WhatsApp Manager, and select the catalog option to begin creating your store.

2. Create a Catalog: While designing your catalog, WhatsApp allows you to add up to 10 photos, descriptions, and product highlights. It’s important to make the catalog as appealing as possible, as product sales largely depend on how well your catalog is presented.

3. Payment Setup: After setting up the catalog, the next step is to connect a payment integration to your catalog. This is a crucial part of setting up your store, as it allows customers to complete purchases directly through WhatsApp.


WhatsApp Ecommerce has become the best tool for retail and e-commerce businesses looking to enhance customer engagement and boost sales. By using WhatsApp’s massive user base and intuitive features like product catalogs, integrated payments, and real-time customer support, businesses can provide a seamless shopping experience. WhatsApp Ecommerce is not only cost-effective but also highly efficient in capturing leads and nurturing customer relationships with post-purchase notifications and 24/7 support. WhatsApp become an essential tool for businesses that want to connect with customers on their preferred platform just Setting up a store on WhatsApp is simple and offers significant potential for growth.

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